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Sewlovelee Birthday Week!

It's Lee's Birthday Sale Week!

7-11 is the official date of Lee’s Birthday and we celebrate all week long with a birthday sale.

  • Lucky $7 has expanded to include 52 fabrics at $7 per yard (one yard minimum).
  • $25 – 5 Half Yard Bundles, 3 Yard Cuts, 3 Yard Bundles
  • $2.50 Loose Fat Quarters
  • 52% OFF Select Kits and Patterns
  • $7 and $11 Goodie Bags

Shop in store or online.


Bernina Birthday Specials

Here is a gift for you! ALL floor model Bernina sewing and embroidery machines as well as sergers will be an additional 10% off for Lee’s Birthday. If you have been thinking about a new Bernina, snag these great deals. Look for the pink balloon in store for special pricing.



The All Mid-Atlantic Shop Hop started with a bang on July 1st as many shop hoppers had the opportunity to travel to new shops during the 4th of July weekend.

What fun to explore new quilt shops and places and be with your quilty friends!

The All Mid-Atlantic Shop Hop continues through August 31st so you have plenty of time to make it to all of the shops on your list. Sewlovelee has expanded hours on Saturdays, open until 4pm and will be open Sundays, July 28th and August 25th from 12-2pm to accommodate shop hoppers.


Hello new fabric and patterns

Beach House by Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket quilts has arrived just in time for summer! Soft florals in shades of blue evoke the beach.

See the entire collection here.



We’ve got your back! When you are done with the quilt top, we’ve got you covered  with a WIDE selection of new widebacks.

Beautiful Basics from P&B Studios:

Serenity Teal, Elizabeth, Fluidity Blue Teal 

Sea Glass in four colors:

Dark Blue Green, Light Blue Green, Stone, and Multi.

Who doesn’t love Dimples from Andover? Now there is more to love, and Dimples are available in Widebacks. Check out these basic backing colors: Sand, Fire Engine, and Pale Silver.



It is crab season and we have crab fabric back in stock:

Beach Ocean Blue Crabs, Sand Crabs and Tossed Crabs by Timeless Treasures.

Dont’ forget to pre-order your Sewlovelee Custom Crab batiks in Nautical Navy and Rivah Blue/Green. They sold out super quick after the last shipment.


Tilda Sailboat kits come with your choice of background color fabric(s). Pick your fabric background color (or three!) and make it your own! Here’s a Hint–Use the Creative Grids Perfect Rectangle Ruler for the sails and make your life a lot easier!

Cool off with the First Frost 3 yard Bundle.



Upcoming Events and Classes

Community Sew-cials are typically the first and third Thursdays of the month and are held at Irvington Baptist Parish Hall. Date changes for the month of July: No Sew-cial on July 4th and a change from Thursday the 18th to July 25th. Preregistration is required prior to attendance.



Same Day Service with Al Hunt has been rescheduled in July to the 17th. Don’t hesitate to reserve your spot as they fill up quickly!

Looking Ahead

Christmas will be here before you know it and July is a good time to start on your Christmas projects if you haven’t already. Check out the Christmas section and start making your wishlist for Christmas in July on the 25th.


Coming Soon – Tabby Road by Tula Pink. 


Be social with us!

Did you know that Sewlovelee is on Facebook, and Instagram?
Join us there in addition to stopping by the shop to get inspired and find out what's new!

Hope to see you soon!

Lee Taylor



4504 Irvington Road

Irvington, VA 22480