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Celebrate LOVE

Of Fabric!

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and there is no limit to what you can make that shows your love for another.

We’ve got everything you need to make a fab gift for yourself or a loved one: fabric, patterns, and notions! Come in or shop online:
These Valentine's Fabrics are 14% Off until Valentine's Day!

Enter to win this cute heart quilt while you are shopping.
Drawing will be held on Saturday, February 13th.

What's New?
Beautiful new Ombre Confetti Colors!


Or get them all with this bundle

Solstice Butterflies Quilt Kit


The Bella Solids for the Coastal Colorway are trickling in.
We should have these in this week:

Tiffany is joining the Sewlovelee staff
and picked out this beautiful 3 Yard Bundle!

Upcoming Events

February's Theme is Beyond Pre-Cuts!

Pre-cuts rock but there’s more to quilting than using these handy, grab-and-go pieces. This month we’ll look at using selvage edges, making crumb blocks, integrating appliques, and machine quilting.

Here’s a sneak peek at selvage edge projects.

Beyond Ourselves, the big give

Reminder: Beyond Ourselves Quilts for Kids project (which is scheduled for November but we all know you need time to make quilts) is all about others. Three completed quilts are in hand and we know more are in the works.

The person who donates the most completed quilts will receive a $50 Sewlovelee gift certificate and choose the organization(s) to which the quilts will be given. 


Same Day Machine Service
February 10th and March 10th 
Sign up online and reserve your spot
so that your sewing machine keeps humming along!
Classes are being offered on an individual basis at this time.
Please contact us to schedule a class to suit your needs and time frame.

Weekly 5 for $5

Choose any combination of 5 yards from this selection of 5 fabrics and pay just $5 per yard!

Stay tuned to Facebook and Instagram for more news between newsletters!
Hope to see you soon!

Lee Taylor
4504 Irvington Road
Irvington, VA 22480