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Just for You!

Until further notice, Sewlovelee will be open by appointment during regular hours.
This will give YOU the opportunity to shop in store for your favorite quilting fabrics and receive the personalized service that you deserve!
This also provides everyone with a safe shopping experience!
Masks and social distancing are still required!
Please call 804-438-5800 or 804-577-7272 to schedule your appointment.
You can always shop online at
and have your order shipped or opt for porch pickup.

Just in from Michael Miller Fabrics

Christmas in July
 Interested in classes?
Call 804-438-5800 to schedule your individual class.

Weekly 5 for $5

Choose any combination of 5 yards from this selection of 5 fabrics and pay just $5 per yard!

Just keep sewing!

Lee Taylor
4504 Irvington Road
Irvington, VA 22480