Sewlovelee's 5th Anniversary Sale-abration!
We are SEW happy to be here! Thank you for helping us celebrate 5 years!
Daily drawings for prizes!
Storewide savings* of 20%!
We love fabric and our customers!
Bernina sewing machines are now in stock and for sale at Sewlovelee!!
Sewlovelee will be a subdealer working with Cottownwood Quilt Shop in Charlottesville, VA. We are excited to be able to partner with a Bernina dealership with over 20 years of experience to offer sales, service and support for Bernina sewing machines! |
Come see the Customer Quilt Show and vote on your favorite quilt out of 16 displayed.
The winner with the most votes at the end of the week will receive a $100 gift certificate to Sewlovelee!
Sewlovelee Quilt Give-Away!
We are giving away 5 quilts made over the past 5 years at Sewlovelee.
Enter to win one of these quilts with every $25 purchase.
In addition, Sewlovelee is donating 11 Quilts and Pillowcases to the Haven Shelter! |
Check the online Calendar for more upcoming classes and events.
New classes are forming for the holidays.
Can't wait to see you!
Lee Taylor
4504 Irvington Road
Irvington, VA 22480
*not to be combined with other discounts (Clearance items or Guild discounts)
**excludes items with MAP (Bernina sewing machines and Creative Grid rulers)