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Sewlovelee's 5th Anniversary Sale-abration!

We are SEW happy to be here! Thank you for helping us celebrate 5 years!
Daily drawings for prizes!
Storewide savings* of 20%!
We love fabric and our customers!

Bernina sewing machines are now in stock and for sale at Sewlovelee!!
Sewlovelee will be a subdealer working with Cottownwood Quilt Shop in Charlottesville, VA. We are excited to be able to partner with a Bernina dealership with over 20 years of experience to offer sales, service and support for Bernina sewing machines!

Come see the Customer Quilt Show and vote on your favorite quilt out of 16 displayed.
The winner with the most votes at the end of the week will receive a $100 gift certificate to Sewlovelee!

Sewlovelee Quilt Give-Away!
We are giving away 5 quilts made over the past 5 years at Sewlovelee.
Enter to win one of these quilts with every $25 purchase.

In addition, Sewlovelee is donating
11 Quilts and Pillowcases
to the Haven Shelter!

Check the online Calendar for more upcoming classes and events.
New classes are forming for the holidays.

Can't wait to see you!

Lee Taylor
4504 Irvington Road
Irvington, VA 22480

*not to be combined with other discounts (Clearance items or Guild discounts)
**excludes items with MAP (Bernina sewing machines and Creative Grid rulers)