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Moving On to May

Wow! Here we are in May already!

The 7th Annual Blue Crab Crawl was a great way to wrap up April.  Many thanks to all who came out and supported your local quilt shops!
Congratulations to the Shop Hop winners:
  • Sue Golembicki won gift certificates to all of the shops.
  • Sandra Reynolds won the Featherweight sewing machine.
  • Paula Hudson won the gift basket.

With time flying by the way it tends to do, we've already set the dates for next year's Blue Crab Crawl.  Mark your calendars for April 20-22, 2017.

In the meantime, get ready for Row by Row which is like a nationwide shop hop beginning June 21st and lasting until September 6th.  Get more info at the website: The theme this year is Home Sweet Home and Sewlovelee's row will feature our wonderful quilting home here on the Northern Neck.

On a related note, the newest Deco State flowers from In the Beginning Fabrics have arrived including Virginia! (Don't worry, I ordered extra bolts of Virginia!) If you are working on the quilt, that means that all of the state flowers are now in the shop.

Check out the online calendar for class listings for May.  There are still a couple of spots left in this Friday's Tuffet class.

This week's 5 for $5 was inspired by our sweet and smart back and white kitty, Blue Belle.
As always, purchase any combination of 5 yards from these 5 fabrics and pay just $5 per yard.  

I recently gave a presentation entitled "What's your Angle?" for the Stingray Stitchers in Deltaville.
Here's a challenge for you:
--Bring in a picture of a quilt you've always wanted to make and name the primary angle of the quilt pictured and receive a FREE fat quarter.
--Bring in your Creative Grid Double Strip Ruler, Hex N More or other specialty ruler (out of the wrapper!) and a block or started (that's right -- it doesn't have to be all the way completed!) project using that ruler (pretty close though would be good), and receive a FREE yard of fabric!
(*Precut yards and fat quarters only please! One freebie only per customer through the end of May--make it a good one!)

I hope you're up for the challenge. Remember--If you've got it, then use it!

Hope to see you soon!
Lee Taylor