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Daylight SAVINGS

Don't forget to turn back your clocks on November 1st so that you can use the extra daylight on more sewing projects! 

Already looking forward to the warmer weather?  No better time to start work on a new spring wardrobe than in the fall!  Come by the shop to choose from hundreds of fabrics and several patterns, such as these that we received this week:

Times are a-changin' and so are our fabrics!  The old has to make way for the new and with that brings big "daylight" SAVINGS!:

Friday, October 30

Not every month has a fifth Friday!  Take advantage of it and receive your fifth fat quarter or fifth consecutive yard FREE!

Halloween SALE
October 30-31, 2015 
30-31% OFF 
Open Ended
30% OFF
Select Fabrics  30% OFF Stop by the shop to see!

November Classes, with more to come!:

3D Christmas / Thankful Tree Class Wednesday, November 4th 10:00am-4:00pm
Barbara's Bag Class Friday, November 6th 10:00am-2:00pm
Pajama Pants Wednesday, November 11th 10:00am-4:00pm
Over Under Tree Skirt Class Saturday, November 14th 10:00am-3:00pm

Five for $5.  The end of daylight saving brings to mind long winter nights.  The dark fabrics in our 5 for $5 this week reflect just that!

Hope to see you soon!

Lee Taylor