2015 Blue Crab Crawl!
Start tomorrow, Thursday, April 30th at 9am at any one of the 5 local shops: Sewlovelee, 2 B's, Franklin's, Sew Happy or Field's, get your passport and start collecting your blocks. While you are there, enter to win prizes at each shop and receive 10 % OFF in ALL of these shops until the end of the Shop Hop at 6pm on Saturday, May 2nd. Turn in your completed passport and you may win the GRAND Prize which includes a Singer Featherweight sewing machine!
Come join the FUN!
This line called Hidden Cove by Windham Fabrics arrived just in time for the shop hop:
Pick up your Circle Savvy Ruler while you are making the shop hop rounds. Also, May 2nd is the first Saturday of the month and Demo Day. Marilyn Osen from the Swirly Girls will be at Sewlovelee at 11 am to demonstrate the Circle Savvy ruler and some of the fabulous things you can do with it! |
Select any combination of 5 yards of these 5 fabrics and pay just $5 per yard.
Happy Blue Crab Crawling and Shop Hopping!
See you very soon!
Lee Taylor